The EasyPower product suite delivers a full lineup of powerful Windows®-based electrical software tools for intelligently designing, analyzing, and monitoring electrical power systems. With the fastest processing speeds on the market, EasyPower delivers instantaneous, accurate results to help you make more intelligent decisions. Watch this overview video to learn more.

Free electrical panel design software industrial power controls

Control Panel and cabinet design is fundamental in allowing the user to interact efficiently with the industrial process right on the front line. Industrial control panels consist of power circuits or control circuits (or both) which provide signals that direct the performance of machinery or equipment. Industrial control panels don’tinclude the. Industrial Control Panel Design – Schematics. Control panel design for industrial equipment and machinery is an important undertaking, resulting in an interface designed to control a machine or process. It’s not a simple matter of selecting an appropriate enclosure and a back panel that houses the electrical hardware. Guide to Design of Industrial Control Panels. The information contained in the manual is intended to assist panel builders. The typical circuit diagrams and interpretations of standards are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding configuration, equipment or any other eventuality.

Try EasyPower Today

Try a free demo copy today. You can also contact us if you have questions, to get a quote, or would like to schedule a one-on-one session with an application engineer, to help you get started with your EasyPower demo.

Configure EasyPower for the specific tasks you perform most, then add features as needed. It’s completely customizable and scalable. Simply build your own configuration, based on the following modules, or choose one of our most popular suites.

EasyPower 10.4 Update


Electrical Control Panel Design Software

EasyPower LLC is excited to announce our release of EasyPower 10.4! This release includes support for single-phase modeling and analysis, updates for NFPA 70 and NFPA 70E, as well as Revit Integrator updates. Learn More

Included Features

No matter which configuration of EasyPower power system software you choose, the productivity-accelerating features below are included at no additional charge.

  • Integrated One-line– model three-phase, single-phase and DC equipment on an integrated one-line diagram
  • ScenarioManager™ – model and analyze multiple power system scenarios to simulate the real world without excessive risk or expense
  • SendCAD™ – seamlessly export data to any spreadsheet and all CAD programs
  • MCC & Panel Schedules – log and analyze motor control center and panel data in a familiar spreadsheet format
  • SmartDuty™ – verify equipment duty settings for ANSI-standard compliance, complete with automatic highlighting of problem areas on the one-line
  • SmartBreaker™ – dynamically study switching conditions with single mouse clicks on the one-line
  • Custom Text Blocks - customize text that appears next to the equipment symbols on your one-lines
  • Custom One-line Symbols - customize equipment symbols shown on a one-line to meet your local standards or company preferences

Optional Features | Build Your Own Package

If one of our pre-configured electrical software suites doesn’t meet your specific needs, build your own by selecting from a full menu of powerful options:

  • SmartDesign™ – automatically size equipment, such as feeders, breakers, switchgear, fuses, busway, MCCs, panels—and more—all per NEC requirements
  • SmartPDC™– completely simplify protective device coordination with one-touch automation
  • ArcFlash™ – confidently meet OSHA and NFPA 70E regulations and arc flash safety program requirements
  • ANSI ShortCircuit™ – instantly verify protective device and equipment ratings for ANSI, NEC and NFPA 70E compliance
  • IEC ShortCircuit™ – instantly verify protective device and equipment ratings for IEC 60909 standards and more – includes Impact Motor Starting
  • PowerFlow™ – intelligently optimize voltage, current, and load flows to minimize system downtime
  • PowerProtector™ Coordination – accurately ensure safety and reliability with comprehensive protective device coordination
  • Dynamic Stability – accurately simulate dynamic interaction between machines, networks, and protective device actions
  • Transient Motor Starting– precisely calculate starting times, speed, torque, system voltage drops, relay interactions, and more
  • Spectrum™ Harmonics – effortlessly identify and mitigate harmonic and power-quality problems
  • Revit® Integrator™– an efficient bi-directional data integrator between Autodesk Revit and EasyPower
  • Power System Reliability– quantify the reliability and availability of their electrical power system networks
  • Coming: Change Management and SQL Database– seamlessly allow teams to manage changes to complex power system models

Popular Starter Suites | Add Features at Any Time

To accommodate our customers’ most common requests, we offer these popular electrical software suites to get you started:

Suite #1 Protective Device Coordination
One-touch automation for detailed short-circuit analysis and PDC to enhance design and power system studies.

Suite #2 Arc Flash Hazard
Everything you need to create and implement a comprehensive and fully compliant arc flash safety program.

Suite #3 Automated Design
Perfect for design and consulting engineers; features one-touch automation that completely revolutionizes the entire design process.

It is completely customizable and scalable. Simply choose one of our most popular configurations, or build your own. Some modules can be used stand-alone (blue below), while others require that they are paired with one or more additional modules (beige below).

Supported Languages

EasyPower’s native language support is English. The software is also available in Spanish and Chinese, although updates to these languages may not be available until after the English version is released. The software menus, dialog boxes, documentation and online help are supported in these languages. You can find instructions for installing additional languages here: Language installation instructions. The software also has online support documents available in Portuguese.

Licensing Options

EasyPower offers a wide variety of options when it comes to licensing the products:

  • Hardware License - this option uses a USB key that must be on the computer for the license to work. This allows the license to be passed around to different users as the needs change.
  • Software License - this option allows you to have a license without having to use a USB key attached to your computer. This option locks the license to one computer.
  • Network License - this option enables you to install the license on your network and access it from any workstation within your network, based on the number of licenses installed. This type of license can be accessed from anywhere in the world, with no geographical restrictions - some companies charge more the further you are from the license server, we don't.

Maintenance Options and Benefits

  • Annual Maintenance - this option is designed to keep you up to date with the latest releases of software and device libraries, discounts on live training, as well as prompt and professional technical support. More Information
  • Premium Maintenance - this option is designed to get you up and running quickly, if you are a new customer, and keep you up to date in your training, if you are an experienced user of EasyPower software. It includes comprehensive software training, expert help with building your first one-line, and a professional review by one of our experienced engineering consultants. More Information

Arc Flash Label Printer Bundles

EasyPower has partnered with Graphics Products to sell arc flash label printer bundles that include everything that you need to print and place your own labels. You can print to the Graphics Products Bronco printer directly, from within EasyPower's arc flash label design tool.

Learn More about EasyPower

Try Before You Buy

Download a free demo copy today. You can also contact us if you have questions or would like to schedule a one-on-one session with an application engineer, to help you get started with your EasyPower demo.

When you purchase an advanced electrical design software as PCSCHEMATIC Automation, it should set you free to concentrate on the technical aspects, so that you do not need to waste time on the trivial parts of the electrical documentation.

Before you get to this point, you naturally – as a new user – need to become familiar with a couple of things about how the software functions. And this can actually be done quite easily – if you do not loose yourself in examining all of the advanced features in the electrical design software.

To phrase it in a popular way, you can say that there are 10 things you need to know, in order to draw a wiring or power control circuit diagram quickly and effectively in PCSCHEMATIC Automation.

1. How to place symbols

The first thing you need to know, is how to place symbols in a diagram page in the software.

When you can place symbols, you are already well on your way in creating the electrical wiring diagrams in the documentation. This is because the electrical symbols are the core of an intelligent electrical documentation software.

From the very moment these electrical symbols are placed, they can have attached article data from one of the PCSCHEMATIC component vendor databases. These article data can subsequently be transferred to the lists, which the electrical design software can update automatically, without your typing in any component data.

When placing electrical symbols, you can either name them manually, or have them named automatically by the software.

2. How to draw lines

Naturally, the placed symbols must be connected by drawing some connecting lines. You decide whether to start by drawing these lines, or to start by placing the symbols – or place symbols and draw lines in arbitrary order.

However, if you start by placing electrical symbols, you can apply the software function for automatic drawing of connecting lines, the so-called router.

Free Electrical Panel Design Software Industrial Power Control System

These lines can be drawn with different line types, widths and colors – just like you can draw circles and arcs.

3. How to place texts

Beyond the information attached to the project symbols, you may need to place other information/texts on the project pages. This can either be the so-called free texts, which you just type in directly on the page, or the so-called datafields.

These datafields can be information, which is attached to the individual project page, or information attached to the project. Hence you can e.g. display customer name, constructor name or page/project title.

Like for the symbol texts, the contents of all these datafields can be transferred directly to the automatically created lists in the software.

4. How to transfer properties between objects

The above mentioned electrical symbols, lines, circles/arcs and texts are with one word called drawing objects.

When you are drawing wiring diagrams with an electrical design software, you will have different options available, depending on which type of drawing objects you are working with.

To save time, it is therefore good to know how to transfer properties between objects of the same type. If for instance you have placed a five millimetre high blue text, you can therefore make several other texts blue and five millimetres high in a single operation.

5. Placing objects and working with Already Placed objects

You also need to know that there is a difference between placing new objects, and working with already placed objects. Depending on whether you work with already placed objects, or are placing new objects, you will have different options available. In the program you specify whether to do the one or the other by clicking a button.

6. How to zoom

In the daily work, it is also practical to know how to zoom in on parts of the diagrams on the screen. This makes it possible to see what you are working with in greater detail.

Also, you should know how to zoom out, to see a larger part of the page, or to see the entire page. Having zoomed in on a part of the page, it is also practical to know how you can scroll easily – this meaning how to change which part of the diagram, that you see on the screen.

7. How to position symbols precisely

When placing objects, these are placed with a specific accuracy – e.g. 2.5 mm. – , which you can specify in the software. For the sake of clarity – and the aesthetic appearance of the documentation – you should also know how to make the software align placed objects, or to space the objects with a specified mutual distance.

8. How to change texts/names quickly

Electrical Panel Design

It is also for your benefit to know the software functions for automatic counting on texts, for multiple placed objects, in a single operation. These texts could for instance be symbol names, or terminal names for symbols.

9. How to specify that an electrical connection continues elsewhere

Furthermore it is good to know how the system supports you in specifying that an electrical connection continues elsewhere in the wiring diagram – or on another diagram page in the project. For doing this, PCSCHEMATIC Automation applies the so-called signal symbols, which automatically creates references to the place(s) where the electrical connection continues.

10. How to work with areas

When you wish to work more effectively, you should know how to work with areas. When you select a part of a diagram, you can move or copy the selected area, and place it elsewhere on the page – or at another diagram page. When copying areas, the software can automatically rename the applied symbols in the area when placing the copy.

More advanced options

All the points above can be learned pretty quickly. But if you wish to become an expert in working with symbols, you can learn many different short-cuts for finding and placing electrical symbols. Thus you can discover the workflow which suits the different situations, and your own preferences.

Beyond the mentioned points, there are naturally a bunch of other options, which it pays to become familiar with along the way.

These could for instance be:

  • How to jump between electrical symbols for the same component
  • How to change between reference crosses and contact mirrors for displaying the other symbols for a component
  • How to replace all occurrences for an applied symbol automatically
  • How to place wire numbers automatically and/or manually
  • How to edit all texts easily via the so-called Object Lister
  • How to set up current path numbers on project pages
  • How to apply automatic naming of symbols according to current path numbers
  • How to apply page and project templates
  • How to insert sub drawings, e.g. with attached article data
  • How single line diagrams are supported
  • How mounting correct drawing is supported
  • How to keep the survey and control the naming of PLCs

Free Control Panel Design Software

… and many other features for electrical design.

Learning the basic rules

In this context, however, the most important is that you get familiar with the basic rules, and then get to know the more advanced software facilities, when you need to. If you wish to get more to grips with the software and learn faster workflows, it can furthermore be recommended to get training in using the electrical design software. The time spent in such a course, will pay off quickly via a faster daily workflow.

Other articles in the series

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